All to Jesus I Surrender

To Him who sits on the throne and unto the
Lamb be glory, power and dominion forever.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year! May this be the year of the Confederate!

Now here is something you dont read about in many government school text books. Click on the link below for some rather interesting history that you did not learn in your US History class in high school. Thanks Clint for writing such a great article.
Also, dont forget there is a holiday of great importance this month. Make sure you mark your calenders for January 19 to celebrate the birthday of one of our finest heros and a very godly man, a man who bravely went to the front of the battle for liberty......General Robert E. Lee.
There's a new website I'd recommend to all...take a look at it! But be forewarned....if you are a Yankee, liberal, or the PC gestapo (or a combination of all three....yikes), you may not like what you read. However, all those folks out there who understand the War for Southern Independence and it's acurate history, this will be a wonderful addition to your arsenal of truth.
I wish all y'all a very happy and safe New Year.

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