All to Jesus I Surrender

To Him who sits on the throne and unto the
Lamb be glory, power and dominion forever.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

An excellent letter

OK, how many times have we seen some Yankee schmuck (or worse, a scalawag) screw up everything about the flag bearing the Cross of St. Andrew, better known as the Confederate Battle flag; evertything from it's orgin and meaning, to calling it the "Stars and Bars". Below is a beautifully written letter (written by a modern day Confederate who has done much for our Cause) setting straight one of these schmucks. Below his letter is the link to the original article. Thanks, Mr. King for letting me repost your excellent letter! More people need to be educated and you do a great job of educating. God bless you, sir!

Mr. Schapiro,

Others may have already pointed out to you that the "Confederate Battle
Flag" is not the "Stars and Bars". This misidentification is frequent
among journalists not familiar with Confederate symbols, history and

The Stars and Bars was the 1st National flag of the Confederate States
of America. It consists of 3 bars or large stripes---red, white, and red
with 7 stars in a circle on the left side (later 11 or 13 stars).

The Confederate Battle flag AKA "Southern Cross" or "St. Andrew Cross"
is the familiar X often incorrectly called "Stars and Bars".

Hollywood, The liberal socialist news media, and the KKK has misused,
abused, and misrepresented the Confederate Battle Flag and perverted
it's meaning in the minds of many Americans to represent racism,
bigotry, and slavery.

The true principles and values the Confederate Flag represents
are--Limited Constitutional Federal Government, States Rights,
Resistance to Tyranny, and Christian Values and Principles.

Why is the Confederate Flag under Attack? Read my article posted below
and learn the truth.

America was founded as a Constitutional Federal Republic composed of a
Limited Federal Government and Sovereign States. Nations must evolve to
survive. However the problem is they always evolve too much. All change
is not for the better. World history records the death of every former
empire. Nations evolve to the point that they stray from the foundations
that they were built upon and decline until they cease to exist. America
has evolved too far and is following the same path to destruction that
the Roman empire followed 2000 years ago. The only anomaly is the
South's fight during 1861-1865 to retain Constitutional Government. The
Confederate States of America fell battling under the banner of "States
Rights". Confederate principles are 1. Limited Constitutional Federal
Government 2. States Rights 3. Christian values. 4. Resistance to
tyranny. Excess immigration (excess numbers of slaves), corrupt
government, and destruction of family values destroyed the Roman Empire
and immigration (illegal and excess legal), corrupt government, and
destruction of family values are destroying the American Empire.
Wal-Mart's recent decision to join and support homosexuals as part of
their diversity program underscores the decline of family values. They
refuse to adopt Confederate principles and values as part of that
diversity program.

Southern Senators and Congressmen voted against the destructive bills
that were voted into law by the other sections of the country. Georgia
Senator Richard B. Russell and Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina
were two of the most stalwart. Southern "common sense" has almost ceased
to exist in American Government. The Northern Socialists who own
Hollywood and the mass media actually control America. Through movies
and TV the American public are unknowingly brainwashed. They believe
they are watching harmless fictional entertainment. Research proves that
young people develop and form values, opinions, and beliefs while
watching such "harmless entertainment". They are being indoctrinated for
the coming "New World Order"--A Socialist Godless "One World Government"
under the United Nations. Hitler and Goebbels understood the power of
propaganda and the Northern Socialists that control America do also.
They want Americans to eat Big Macs, watch TV programs like Seinfeld and
vote in sham elections and be proud to be Americans. We should be proud
to be Americans but we need to realize what is happening behind the veil
of propaganda.

When the South lost the war in 1865 Confederate General Robert E. Lee
told his men to go home and be good Americans. Southerners did this and
have fought America's wars in larger numbers than any other section of
the country. Yet we are attacked by the media and made the nations
whipping boy and the butt of jokes as "gratitude" for our contributions.
Why? Because the South is the most Christian Conservative part of the
nation. These liberal socialists have two goals for America 1.Destroy
Christianity and replace it with Secular Humanism and 2. replace what is
left of Democracy with total Socialism. Once they destroy the Christian
conservative South the rest of America will fall in line like sheep
behind Secular humanism and Socialism. That is the real reason they want
to destroy Confederate principles and values. The infamous Communist
Karl Marx said "a people separated from their heritage are easily
persuaded". So under the "Moral High Ground" guise of black civil rights
they have carried forth their propaganda campaign. They are using black
activists to unknowingly do their "dirty work" for them. They also use
what the infamous Communist Vladimir Lenin called "useful idiots" to
help accomplish their agenda. Those who are helping destroy Confederate
heritage fit in this group-- "white liberals with a guilt complex".
Liberalism is all about "feelings" as opposed to "fact". These "useful
idiots" also include Southern politicians who help remove Confederate
flags which are a symbol of the principles and values America was
founded upon.

The politically incorrect 752 page book "The South Under Siege
1830-2000" explains in detail what has happened and is currently
happening in America. It is available from or from myself

In the United States of America, there are only two directions left.
Either we will reclaim our heritage, or we will surrender our
Constitution and Sovereignty to the chains of slavery. The most
compelling question that the people of the United States have always
grappled with is how to build a government strong enough to preserve
order and yet leave society free enough to prevent tyranny.

James W. King
Antique Classic Collectible Firearms Inc.
PO Box 70577
Albany Georgia 31708

New Confederate Flag Fight

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